Bigg Boss is an Indian Telugu-language television reality show of the Bigg Boss franchise which airs on Star Maa and streams on Disney+ Hotstar in India. It follows the format of the Dutch reality show Big Brother, which was first developed by Endemol in the Netherlands.
Starting from 2017, the show has rolled out five seasons so far; N. T. Rama Rao Jr. and Nani hosted Season 1 and Season 2 respectively while Nagarjuna is hosting the from Season 3. Ramya Krishna and Samantha appeared as a guest host for one week in Season 3 and 4 respectively. The digital edition Bigg Boss Non-Stop began on 26 February 2022 on Disney+ Hotstar with Nagarjuna returning as the host.
Bigg Boss Non-Stop
Main article: Bigg Boss Non-Stop
The series is also set to roll out a digital version of the show called Bigg Boss Non-Stop, which is also going to be hosted by Nagarjuna and broadcast by Disney+ Hotstar for 24×7 coverage.
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